Desiree CaldwellDesiree Caldwell,教育学博士,助理教授,硕士教师 & Special Education Program

“作为一名长期担任GMercyU教育学院的教员, I believe Mercy education makes a difference because it personally made a difference for me. I started my GMercyU journey as an undergraduate student in the Education program, but I didn’t just receive an education and learn how to be a teacher; I also received an opportunity to enrich my life by serving others through all the different projects offered within the school. 这个机会是我自己的教授给我的, other 教师 members, and even staff members.

我一直都知道我想成为这里的一员,因为我想让未来的学生拥有和我一样丰富的经历. 是的, 上大学是为了接受教育, but it can also be life-changing, 而GMercyU提供的慈悲教育正是这样做的. I couldn’t be prouder to be both an alumna and a 教师 member of GMercyU!”


Cheryl MalfiCheryl L. Malfi,教育学博士,助理教授,实习协调员  

“我相信仁慈教育可以带来改变,在某些情况下,仁慈的提供可以成为决定成败的礼物. A recipe for teaching, absent the ingredient of mercy is like baking a strawberry shortcake without the strawberries. This is because learning takes place when the learner possesses a calm mind, free of distraction. Distraction takes up space from the content of the material to be learned. Distractions such as anxiety, 担心, 或恐惧, for example, can enter the mind of the student when they are not nurtured by their teacher. 当老师的性格是不友好的, 不友善的, 不高兴的, demanding, negative, as opposed to friendly, 种类, 支持ive, positive, 学习者倾向于关闭学习环境,以逃避老师营造的不愉快的举止和环境.

Teachers have the 能力 to punish by way of grades, verbal remarks, non-verbal langu年龄. 和, 如果老师不喜欢惩罚的话, behaviors such as ridicule, embarrassment, 当缺乏怜悯时,羞耻就会发生. Teachers who get high on power and authority rather than on shared leadership and choice, create a classroom environment incapable of inviting student curiosity and exploration. 慈悲在行动中是可见的,当教师拥有积极的态度, 支持ive, encouraging disposition. Mercy opens up the mind and the heart.  对学生的仁慈为我们树立了榜样.

仁慈是人与人之间关系的基石,当学生们在每个教室里看到这种仁慈的行为时,它就会被灌输到学习者的身上. This is how we change society. When 学生 are shown mercy all the time in every circumstance that becomes all they know. Caring for and lifting each other up becomes who we are and how we function. 仁慈从每个人身上流出,进入每一次互动. The world becomes helpful, understanding, reassuring, caring, sympathetic, encouraging. When these words become actions, we are productive and successful alone and with others.

At Gwynedd Mercy University, 我们从慈会的创始修女那里学到了深切关注穷人的需要. 我们今天把这句话翻译成不是指缺乏资金,而是指让所有需要照顾的人感到振奋. We teach and provide education from a stance of compassion and nurturing. Mercy gives life, empowerment, strength. Mercy provides opportunity. Mercy Is love. 

A merciful classroom asks the questions:

Does my classroom incorporate differentiated instruction and differentiated assessment every day? Does my classroom make known, 价值, and celebrate differences in culture, 性别, 能力, dis能力, ethnicity, personal choice and voice?  我的课堂是否教导我们可以持有不同的观点,但即使我们不同,也要尊重和关心彼此? 我的教室里有一种互相鼓舞的气氛吗?  我的课堂表现出我是每个学生的冠军吗, and do 学生 champion 学生?”


Marianne C. Kaemmer, EdD, Adjunct Professor, Master Teacher and Master’s in Special Education Programs

“Mercy Education makes a difference for our future teachers and their 学生. Throughout my years overseeing 学生 pursuing their teaching certification, 格温内斯默西大学的宗旨一直是一种指导力量. This ensures that future teachers focus on the unique strengths and needs of their learners, work collaboratively with their peers, 继续他们的职业发展.


Mary Jo PierantozziMary Jo Pierantozzi, Professor Emerita

“美慈教育的价值是巨大的,我自己也很幸运能接受美慈教育. As a Mercy educated teacher, I know that Mercy has been infused into everything I have done in the classroom. In my opinion, all teachers can infuse the research-based pedagogy into their work. 受过慈悲教育的教师的主要特点是,他们所做的一切都充满了慈悲. Mercy teachers teach with heart. The Core Values are always at the forefront of all that they do: integrity, respecting the dignity of their 学生, service to society.

These are, and always have been, 我的教学背后的指导力量,我希望在我的职业生涯中,这对我的学生来说是显而易见的. I am proud to be an alumna of and a professor at Gwynedd Mercy University.”


teachersweek_debschadler.pngDeborah Schadler, PhD, CPCRT, PRSE
Assistant Dean & Assistant Professor Education, GMercyU

"给n the social/moral climate, often turmoil, in society today, 仁慈教育的影响比以往任何时候都更重要. A Mercy education provides an advisory, curricular, 护理er-focused st能力 for 学生 to grow into professionals who will impact society. 学生s today may shoulder heavy emotional, financial and/or personal burdens. 通过慈悲教育生活的支持锚定了学生.

I am blessed to constantly encounter graduates who are making such an impact. Recently, at our Autism Conference, a young alumna, Heather Massey ’10 ’16, approached me. 作为一名学生,她经历了许多个人的挣扎,但现在作为一家非常成功的公司的负责人,为有挑战的人提供服务,做出了重大贡献. Furthermore, 经常陪她去格温内德上课的那个很小的孩子是格温内德一年级的护理专业学生!”



teachersweek_derrickcoleman.pngDerrick Coleman, EdD '17



teachersweek_justincollins.pngJustin Collins '21
9th Grade Teacher, Parkway Northwest High School for Peace and Social Justice

“十几岁的时候,我一直想成为一名律师. 我一直对法律和政府很感兴趣. 而不是被动地工作,帮助人们摆脱困境, I figured that I could work more proactively and keep people out of trouble. Naturally, I thought about teaching the same subjects that interest me most."

Crystal EdwardsCrystal Edwards, EdD '20
School Principal, William D. Kelley Elementary School
2023 Recipient of the Christian R. and Mary F. 林德巴克杰出校长领导奖

“If anyone’s feelings were hurt or dreams were shattered at other places like me, GMercyU is real. It’s not some walk in the park or easy. No, that’s not it. But it’s a place that takes you seriously. GMercyU正在做真正的人类工作,治愈人们.”


teachersweek_kiersten.pngKiersten Godzieba

"I still hear Ms. 随着时间的推移,皮耶罗托齐每周都会出现在我的脑海里, 我非常感谢她为我们提供的学术基础.

All of my experiences, both in and out of the classroom, 是什么让我成为一名与众不同的仁慈毕业生. 对我来说, 这意味着你要把你学到的价值观带在身边,并找到一种方法,让这些价值观在你选择的职业道路上发挥作用. You find a way to weave those into everything you do and how you spread that mess年龄 to others."

teachersweek_jackiegallagher.pngJacqlyn Gallagher '16
teachersweek_amandahickson.pngAmanda Hickson, MS '13, '17

“我在德国商业大学期间,有一件事让我印象深刻,那就是成为一名教师的想法不仅仅被视为一种职业机会, but rather as a vocation. 这不仅仅是毕业后找份工作和工作的问题, 而是走出去,通过我们所做的工作,尽可能多地为孩子的生活带来积极的影响. 

作为一名在这个教室里工作了八年的老师, 我想说的是,除了学术卓越之外, 同理心和鼓励对我来说非常重要. My goal is to encour年龄 the 学生 to not only give their best in the work they do, 而是在于他们如何关心和对待他人."

teachersweek_alexishoward.pngAlexis Howard '20
"It is important to build relationships and 支持 systems with your 学生. When I first began my position, 在以每小时100英里的速度进入学术界之前,了解我的学生是很重要的. 我为学生们创造了一个安全的地方来分享,如果他们愿意的话. 作为一名教育工作者,我相信学生在培育的环境中茁壮成长."
Jihan Latimer '20
Sixth Grade Science Teacher
"The education I received here at GMercyU gave me a flexible and adaptable teaching spirit. I call myself the traveling teacher, because I have been to many schools, and those experiences allowed me to meet all 种类s of fellow teachers and staff, 提高我的人际关系和教学技能. 我喜欢教书,永远不会放弃学生. 我不断地推销我的励志书籍, 鼓励学生多读书,提高阅读能力, reading comprehension, phonemic awareness and phonic's skills."
teachersweek_evelynnunez.pngEvelyn Nunez-Lebron, EdD '17
“选择Gwynedd Mercy University的EdD项目是我在我的教育历程中做出的最好的决定之一. 我从教授和我的论文导师那里得到的高水平的指导和支持正是我所需要的,以促进论文的完成,同时我也在一家大型大学担任全职校长, urban elementary school."
teachersweek_erinpark.pngErin Park '16
“我花了一点时间才找到我梦想中的工作,但我找到了! 我在弗卢顿的圣吉纳维夫学校教书,教幼儿园! 我也是我们教区的宗教教育协调员. GMercyU为我进入教育界做了完美的准备. Thank you GMercyU ❤"
teachersweek_joannapray.pngJo'anna Pray '18
Third Grade Teacher, St. Malachy's 
“我认为,成为一名与众不同的仁慈毕业生,就是把我在德国慈悲大学学到的价值观带进我的生活,而不仅仅是我的职业生涯. Mercy有很多价值观,比如多样性, immigration, and helping those who are unfortunate, 我带走的不仅仅是一个老师,而是一个人."
teachersweek_melissarusso.pngMelissa Russo, MS '18
"My Mercy-centered education has prepared me for a lot in my professional 护理er. 我觉得自己更优雅了,更理解了,也更有耐心了. 我每天都给自己设定一个标准, 但我也明白,有时可能达不到这个标准. I don't allow myself to give up, 但是想想新的方法去做一件有希望成功的事情."
teachersweek_stevenrufe.pngSteven Rufe, M.Ed. '12
积极行为干预主任 & 支持,费城学区
“我做别的事能赚更多的钱吗?? 见鬼是的! But would I be transforming the world? 我是否在帮助一个系统变得更强、更好? Probably not. GMercyU教会我要挑战现状,而不是摆脱现状, but joining systems that need extra love, 支持, 护理, and transformation. GMercyU taught me a mindset and perspective and challenged my privilege, perspective, and thinking."
teachersweek_stacey_lee_salvato.pngStacey Lee Salvato '04
Reading Specialist K-4, Francis A. Desmares Elementary School 

"As a child, school was always hard for me; papers came naturally but tests were another story. I felt inadequate compared to my peers since I was in the 支持 classes. It wasn't until my sophomore year at GMercyU that my Dean suggested I go and get evaluated. 我被诊断患有阅读障碍,然后得到了适当的工具, 而不是我自己建立的应对机制, to thrive in my classes.  我在三年级的时候就知道我想成为一名教师,但直到我进入德国商业大学并得到适当的支持,我才知道这个梦想是真正可能的!

Fast forward to 2022, 今年是我担任阅读专家的第14个年头,我开始帮助那些和我处于相同教育地位的学生. 我在阅读上有困难,现在我可以帮助那些有同样困难的学生,这样他们就不会像我做学生时那样自我感觉不好. 感谢GMercyU帮助我看到了我的全部潜力,在我不相信自己的时候相信我." 

Lucinda ShaefferLucinda Schaeffer EdD '22
Instructor, Higher Education
"I did not choose education. Education chose me. Although I am the daughter of two educators, I never saw myself as a teacher. 我是作为一名辅助专业人员开始从事教学工作的,在我儿子被诊断出患有自闭症后,我被特殊教育所吸引."
teachersweek_timsmyth.pngTim Smyth, MS ‘08
历史 Teacher, Wissahickon High School
"I want to be the teacher/adult I needed when I was a kid, and this keeps me going. These young people need us, and I know what we do matters, each and every day. 这些年来,我哭过,笑过,拥抱过很多学生. They have saved me in so many ways, and I am forever grateful for my 学生."
Janine Twaddle, EdDJanine Twaddle, EdD
Teacher, East Goshen Elementary School
“我选择从事教育工作是因为‘灯泡效应’,’ the moment you actually experience a child gain knowledge is incredibly rewarding. 每一天都是不同的,都有新的挑战和胜利. As an educator, you truly have the opportunity to impact a student’s life."
teachersweek_stefaniewood.pngStefanie Wood, MS ‘08 
“在我的整个职业生涯中,我一直秉承着慈悲的价值观,这使我能够与我的老师同事们一起工作, 学生, and families to educate 学生 on the autism spectrum with integrity and respect."

GMercyU 教师

teachersweek_marianneboyd.pngMarianne Boyd, M.Ed.  
Professor of Practice
"I tell my 学生 that I am first a learner, and second, their teacher. 他们将从我的三个角度来学习教学:教师的角度, 一个家长, and a building administrator. 'Teaching and Learning' are my passion. This is what I know…I love getting up in the morning knowing I am going to school to teach. I want my 学生 to wake up 50 years from now and feel exactly the same way."
teachersweek_tiffanyc.pngTiffany Cresswell-Ye年龄r, PhD  
"As 教师, 我们专注于帮助学生重新思考他们的原因, 考察促使他们进入这一领域的价值观和动机, 并寻求解决教育工作者面临的挑战的办法."
teachersweek_peggyrosario.pngPeggy Kerr, EdD
Assistant Professor
“我们的学生渴望改进教学的想法,并有兴趣与其他学生和教师联系,以获得最佳实践的见解. 他们对研究可以影响教学实践的论文主题感兴趣,这表明他们致力于解决挑战并分享他们的发现以改善教学实践. So in a sense, 他们不仅要面对自己的挑战, they are also contributing to the research that can help other teachers face them, 也."