Criminal Justice Major: Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice degreeGMercyU’s Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice combines innovative classroom and experiential learning to prepare you for law school, graduate school, or immediate entry into careers in the public or private sector – whether in government, law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole, private security, 或者社会正义和倡导.

No matter what your path, you’ll learn how to make a positive impact in your life and your community.

作为刑事司法专业的学生, 你将探索犯罪行为的模式, 惩罚哲学对犯罪的惩罚哲学, 以及美国的法律体系. You’ll learn to identify and analyze crimes using criminological theory, forensic science, 还有最新的犯罪现场调查.

And, whether you are learning to investigate an active crime scene, 破获一起毒品阴谋, 或者检查性侵犯者的行为, you will develop the key skills that employers most want – such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving — skills that have never been more relevant.

Program Details

Criminal Justice 2022The most comprehensive and flexible criminal justice program in the Philadelphia region, you can dive deep into a specific interest within the field, 或者为你找到正确的道路. 你会发现一个紧密联系, supportive, and motivated community with professors who are invested in your success.


Small classes with GMercyU’s low 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio, taught by experts in the field – no teaching assistants.

与GMercyU的转型经验 监狱内外交换计划® (see more below), which will challenge your viewpoints and offer you a new perspective on the criminal justice system.

区域刑事司法领导人作为嘉宾发言. 前费城警察局长查尔斯. Ramsey visited campus to discuss the importance of a college education before entering the police force, 而世界著名的犯罪学家. Jack Levin spoke to GMercyU students about serial killing and mass murder.

The chance to earn your Act 120 – an essential step to becoming a police officer – during your senior year as part of your four-year degree at no extra cost, 不像其他刑事司法项目. (See more on this below.)

The chance to present your own research at GMercyU’s annual 大学研究会议.

Inside Out ProgramGMercyU’s 监狱内外交换计划® brings incarcerated and non-incarcerated students together as peers for weekly meetings at the Federal Detention Center of Philadelphia.

从1997年开始,2019年被带到GMercyU, The Inside-Out Prison Exchange® is an international educational program created to inspire social change through dialogue and collaboration.

The program offers GMercyU “outside” students the unique experience to meet “inside” students of the correctional facility and exchange thoughts and perspectives about social inequalities, prison reform, and restorative justice.

“Realizing there’s another group of people just like you who were incarcerated because of different life circumstances is a truly transformative experience for students and instructors alike," says GMercyU Associate Professor and Criminal Justice Program Coordinator, Patrick McGrain, PhD. "You can’t get this kind of experience in the classroom or even through an internship.” 

Students have described it 这是一次改变人生的经历. 


作为德意志大学刑事司法专业的学生, you have the option of attending the Montgomery County Police Academy at the Montgomery County Community College. Here, you can earn your Act 120, an essential step in pursuing a career as a police officer.

Once you are accepted into GMercyU's Criminal Justice Program, this special training is offered during your senior year as part of your four-year degree without extended time or expense, 不像其他刑事司法学校.

To learn more, see the "Montgomery Community College" tab of our Partnerships page.

除了通识教育的要求, students seeking a criminal justice degree must complete the following courses:  

Major requirements

CRJ 102 刑事司法概论
CRJ 215 Criminology
CRJ 216 Race, Class, and Ethnicity
CRJ 220 刑事司法伦理
CRJ 225 Juvenile Delinquency
CRJ 250 Police & Law Enforcement in America
CRJ 251 Victimology
CRJ 310 刑事司法研究导论
CRJ 320 法医:犯罪现场调查
CRJ 326 Criminal Procedures
CRJ 327 Criminal Law
CRJ 370 Corrections
CRJ 405 Criminal Investigation
CRJ 410 Courts in America
CRJ 435 刑事司法实习
CRJ 4000 CRJ Capstone
CRJ Electives 4 Criminal Justice Electives: Cultural Criminology; Stalking & Domestic Violence; Violence & Criminal Justice; Sexual Deviance; Wrongful Convictions; Organized Crime; Terrorism & Hate Groups; White Collar Crime; 监狱内外交换计划®, Serial Killers


Credit Requirements

A minimum of 120 credits is required for the bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

Undergraduate Minors
Increase the value of your degree as a criminal justice major by adding an undergraduate minor 这最适合你的个人和职业目标.

Wondering what your classes will look like as a Criminal Justice major? Here are a few highlights.

CRJ 205跟踪和家庭暴力
You will look at the social factors that contribute to the incidence and prevalence of both stalking and domestic violence and examine victim outcomes and the criminal justice response to these crimes.

CRJ 299 Serial Killers 

CRJ 303 Sexual Deviance
You will study the characteristics and development of sexual deviance, 以及检查犯罪学, psychological, 以及成瘾的生理因素. 专门的罪犯,如恋童癖者, juvenile offenders, 网络跟踪者也要接受检查, with the hope of shedding light on how these perpetrators operate and how to spot them.

CRJ 304错判
本课程将涵盖错误定罪的原因. You will also examine the role system variables play in such convictions such as police line-ups, expert testimony, witness preparation, judicial discretion, and jury bias.

CRJ 311 Organized Crime
This course is a study of the many facets of organized crime. The theoretical explanations behind organized crime groups will be examined. You will build and operate your own organized crime syndicate, then utilize the criminal justice system to dismantle your syndicate.

For all criminal justice program course descriptions, please refer to the undergraduate catalog.

Patrick McGrain, PhD
Patrick McGrain, PhD

Position: Program Coordinator and Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
Did You Know? 麦格伦教授是这本书的合著者 社会掠食者的内心世界.
Read bio


Lorraine Phillips, PhD

Lorraine Phillips, PhD

Position: 刑事司法助理教授
Did You Know? One of Professor Phillips’ focuses is the intersection of psychology and law.
Read bio

One of my favorite things about Gwynedd’s Criminal Justice Program is definitely how close-knit we all are. Whether it be our colleagues or our professors, everyone is here to help each other. There has never been a moment where I held back on asking a question or telling a story or showing up at my professors’ offices, whether about school or personal advice or anything – they are there to help us. 我们每天都有这种感觉. 

Mackenzie Iocona '20

Real-World Opportunities

The Griffin Edge is comprised of five touchpoints -- Excellence, Engagement, Experience, Empathy, 和鼓励——这些会成为你人生的基石 独特的慈悲体验 作为一名全日制本科生.

The Griffin Edge includes an e-portfolio for documenting your GMercyU educational and extracurricular experiences (no matter your major), 反思这些经历, 并从教师那里得到反馈. It's designed to help you take ownership of your educational journey and chart the right career path for you. It will also help you learn how to talk about your college experiences in meaningful ways — and that 如何在面试中发挥作用. 

For example, a student might say in a job interview: "I conducted research at the undergraduate level." 

A Griffin Edge student might say: "The opportunity to conduct my own research alongside expert faculty taught me the importance of being exact in my data collection and analysis. I was even able to present my findings at our annual research conference! 我知道这是我的职业."

Learn more about the Griffin Edge here.

Through internships, GMercyU’s Criminal Justice majors have gained real-world experience and made valuable networking connections at the following organizations.

  • Abington Police Department
  • ATF Field Office
  • 巴克斯县成人缓刑/假释部
  • 巴克斯县少年犯
  • 费城:法医科学办公室
  • 日间药物治疗准备就绪
  • 联邦公设辩护人,新泽西州卡姆登
  • 公共安全部门
  • 兰斯代尔警察局
  • 蒙哥马利县惩教局
  • 蒙哥马利县调查局
  • 蒙哥马利县缓刑和假释部
  • 蒙哥马利县检察官办公室
  • 蒙哥马利县青年中心
  • 诺里斯敦警察局
  • Pennsylvania State Police
  • 费城感化部 & Parole
  • 费城地方检察官办公室
  • 费城司法中心
  • 费城警察局犯罪现场组
  • 波茨敦警察局
  • 目标-防损部
  • 上都柏林警察局
  • U.S. 国土安全部
  • 沃灵顿警察局 

Earning a BS in Criminal Justice can lead you to an exciting and well-paid career that enables you to serve your community in a meaningful way. Here are just a few of the many opportunities you could pursue.


Description: Work as a public defender or district attorney or pursue the type of law that most appeals to your interests and passions.
Degree Requirements: 学士学位,接着是法律学位.
Average Salary: In 2022, the annual media pay nationwide was $135,740 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Criminal Investigator

Description: Put your analytical skills to use as a police detective or private investigator as you work on criminal cases and gather evidence to be used in court.
Degree Requirements: A bachelor’s degree.
Average Salary: 2022年,全国媒体人的年薪为52120美元 根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据.

Probation Officer

Description: Help keep criminal offenders who are on probation on the right path by regularly meeting with them, monitoring them, 为他们安排社会服务. 你还要为法庭记录下一切.
Degree Requirements: A bachelor’s degree.
Average Salary: 2022年,全国媒体年度薪酬为 $60,250美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据显示.


  • Body Guard
  • Border Patrol Agent
  • CIA Agent
  • 社区服务协调员
  • Compliance Manager
  • Corrections Officer
  • Deportation Officer
  • Detective
  • Drug Enforcement Agent
  • FBI Agent
  • Firefighter
  • Juvenile Court Counselor
  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • Paralegal
  • Parole Officer
  • Police Detective
  • Private Investigator
  • Secret Service Agent
  • Social Worker
  • State Police Officer
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • Teacher
  • US Marshall

*这只是部分列表,并不是要限制你. 其中一些职业可能需要额外的教育.


GMercyU criminal justice alumni have recently made their mark at these organizations:

  • Abington Police Department
  • ATF Field Office
  • 巴克斯县少年犯  Bucks County Clerk of Courts, Criminal Division
  • Hatboro Police Department
  • 兰斯代尔警察局 Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center
  • 蒙哥马利县法院书记官
  • 蒙哥马利县惩教局
  • 蒙哥马利县缓刑和假释部
  • 诺里斯敦警察局
  • Pennsylvania State Police
  • 费城感化部 & Parole
  • 费城地方检察官办公室
  • 费城警察局犯罪现场组
  • potstown警察局SEPTA警察局
  • 目标-防损部
  • 上都柏林警察局 Upper Moreland Police Department
  • U.S. 国土安全部
  • 沃尔玛-损失预防部门
  • 沃灵顿警察局

刑事司法专业22届毕业生威廉·艾伦William Allen '22
Current Position: GFCC Screening Analyst IV, JP Morgan Chase & Co.; Master's Degree in Global Affairs student; Middle School Boy’s Lacrosse Head Coach
“不仅是通过我的刑事司法课程, but also my Computer Information Science and Honors Program classes, I developed new interests that I do not think I would have otherwise. GMercyU grants a kind of freedom to explore that, to me, is very valuable."

在GMercyU的众多追求中, William played lacrosse, 成立了探险俱乐部, 在国土安全部实习. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站他的经历.

Jenna Trythall '20

Jenna credits the Criminal Justice program with helping her land a loss prevention internship the summer before graduation. 实习教会了她团队建设, loss analysis, and hands-on investigation techniques -- and that she wanted to pursue loss prevention as a career. 

"Post-grad reality set in when the global pandemic hit, and many jobs were going off the market. I relied on my professors to keep my drive alive, and it paid off. 毕业几个月后, I landed my dream job as a loss prevention analyst with an online fashion retailer, Rue Gilt Groupe." 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站詹娜的经历. 

Sarah Crane ’19

Sarah interned at the Philadelphia City Hall while a student at GMercyU. She also conducted and presented independent research on natural disasters and crime rates. A student-athlete and member of the Criminal Justice National Honor Society, Sarah也完成了GSLI杰出领袖计划, 曾任纪律聆讯委员会委员及同侪导师.

“GMercyU taught me to understand dense theories by compartmentalizing all of the required elements and seeing how each element is essential to that theory. This has been increasingly helpful in understanding law and legal concepts.” 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站莎拉的经历.

Tim Brass '19

Current Position: Adult Probation Officer, Montgomery County
While at GMercyU, Tim interned with the Clerk of Courts in Montgomery County during his sophomore year, and with the Montgomery County Adult Probation and Parole Department during the summer before his senior year -- there he learned he wanted to be an Adult Probation Officer as his career. 毕业后,他得到了一份全职工作.

“I truly believe the internship is the main reason I was able to secure a full-time offer. I was able to show my work ethic and value to the department. I am still with the department, and I love that my job is different every day.” 了解更多蒂姆的经历."

Meet more Criminal Justice alumni.

Next Steps

对GMercyU有问题吗 admissions requirements? Our Admissions staff is ready to walk you through the process of applying to GMercyU’s Criminal Justice Program.

Phone: 215-641-5510

Apply now

At GMercyU, we strive to make a quality education accessible to all through financial aid, scholarships, and grants. 作为一所军事友好型大学, we welcome service members and participate in all VA educational benefits programs. 

Get the education you need for a fulfilling career in criminal justice. Earn your Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at GMercyU!

Apply now