Registered Nursing Career Guide

registered nursing career
在这个世界上,人们的寿命比以往任何时候都要长,老年人的数量也在不断增加, the demand for registered nurses continues to grow significantly. But what is a registered nurse? How do you jumpstart your registered nurse career? The process of becoming a registered nurse can be overwhelming, but with this handy guide, you will learn all about what it takes to become an RN, the registered nursing job outlook, and aver年龄 RN salaries.

What Is a Registered Nurse?
How to Become a Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse Job Types and Responsibilities
Registered Nurse Work Settings
Registered Nurse 就业前景
Salary Expectations for Registered Nurses
Registered Nurse Career Paths

What Is a Registered Nurse (RN)?

注册护士(RNs)是卫生保健专业人员,他们有各种各样的职责和责任,与提供和协调病人护理有关. This includes tasks such as assessing patients’ conditions, operating and 监控 medical equipment, administering patients’ medicines and treatments, and analyzing the results of diagnostic tests. 注册护士是向患者及其家属提供所需技术和情感支持的关键因素, whether they are being treated at a hospital, 医生的办公室, residential care facility, 或者其他网站.

How to Become a Registered Nurse


  1. Choose an accredited nursing education program.
    Whether you choose to pursue your BSN (4-year program), ADN (2-year program) or Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, also known as an ABSN (2-year program), you need a degree or certificate to start your nursing career. Although an ADN gets you out into the field faster, employers value candidates with the higher degree.
  2. Complete your clinical training requirements.
    所有认可的护理课程都要求学生完成现场临床培训. 这种实践经验使护理学生有机会在进入劳动力市场之前获得现实世界的知识和技能. The minimum number of clinical hours required for your degree varies.
  3. Apply for your state license.
    Following the completion of your accredited nursing program, you need to apply to a state board of nursing in order to take the NCLEX.  Once you have met all the requirements, including a background check with fingerprinting, 你所在州的护理委员会会宣布你有资格参加NCLEX考试.
  4. Take the NCLEX-RN exam.
  5. Apply to jobs and start your career as an RN!
    Send out those resumes and brush up on your nursing job interview questions, and ready yourself for a rewarding career in nursing.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Registered Nurse?

On aver年龄, it takes roughly about 2-4 years to become a registered nurse. 你可以在2年内获得副学士学位,在4年内获得学士学位,成为一名注册护士, depending on the education level you wish to complete.

Registered Nurse Job Types and Responsibilities

你的注册护士职业生涯可能会有很大的不同,这取决于你工作的地方和你工作的病人类型. 下面你可以找到注册护士的典型工作类型和职责的简要列表.

  • 流动的护士
    As a highly diverse RN career, 门诊护理是在传统医院环境之外进行的. 门诊护士负责照顾慢性疾病和受伤患者,重点是疼痛管理和一般健康教育. They typically work outside of a hospital setting, including physicians’ offices, 紧急护理, outpatient care centers, 和更多的.
  • Critical care nurses
    Typically found in intensive care units in hospitals, critical care nurses provide care, 监控, and treatment of patients with serious, 复杂的, and acute illnesses and 受伤. 
  • 专业护士
    许多注册护士可以有一个护理专业,为特定的人口量身定制,以提供个性化的病人护理. 专业护士的例子包括与癌症患者一起工作的肿瘤科护士或专门照顾老年患者的老年护士.
  • Rehabilitation nurses
    这种类型的护理侧重于有暂时或永久性残疾的病人的康复. 它们可以在医院、护理机构和其他卫生保健机构中找到.
  • 护士教育工作者
    护理工作并不一定意味着你要直接和病人打交道. As a nurse educator, 你仍然需要有一个有效的注册护士执照,并负责教育下一代护士. 护士教育工作者可以授课,促进临床工作,或指导年轻护士.

Major RN Responsibilities

注册护士负责评估病人并为他们提供即时护理. The major responsibilities of an RN include:

  • Evaluating the patient's condition
  • Administering medication or physical and emotional care
  • Educating the patient and their families about treatment or care
  • Managing medical charts
  • 与其他卫生保健专业人员就治疗和护理进行沟通

Registered Nurse Work Settings

RNs have a variety of options when it comes to where they work, and each location has its own set of benefits and challenges. 下面是注册护士最常用的工作设置列表.

  • 医院
    在医院里, 有许多部门对护士有独特的需求和技能要求. Nurses could specialize in departments such as the emergency room, 遥测, 放射学, 肿瘤学, and countless other sectors. Since patients in hospitals tend to need around-the-clock care, RNs works in shifts that cover all 24 hours of the day, and may even be on call, which means they must be available to work on short notice.
  • Physicians’ Offices
    RNs in physicians’ offices are responsible for taking patients’ vitals, administering vaccinations, and assisting the physician during exams and procedures. Since these offices do not typically provide 24-hour care, 在这种环境下工作的注册护士往往有固定的工作时间,很少或没有晚上和周末.
  • Nursing Care Facilities
    在护理机构工作的注册护士往往照顾那些病情恶化、需要特殊照顾的老年人,直到他们生命的尽头. 有一些护理机构专门为有记忆问题的人量身定制病人护理, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. 
  • 门诊
    RNs who work in outpatient clinics, such as 紧急护理, 需要敏锐地意识到某些患者可能需要更高水平的护理或住院治疗. 注册护士会接触到各种不同疾病的病人,需要不同程度的护理, 受伤, 或疾病.

Registered Nurse 就业前景

整体,  从2016年到2026年,医疗保健行业所有职业的护理工作前景预计将增长18%, which will add around 2.4 million new jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 这一预期的就业增长高于任何其他职业群体. 

具体来说,注册护士的就业前景预计到2026年将增长15%. 这是全国所有职业平均就业增长的两倍多. 护理和保健领域的持续增长是由于人口老龄化,因为老年人往往比年轻人有更多的医疗问题.

Registered Nurse Salary Expectations

根据美国劳工统计局的数据,注册护士的年薪通常为7万美元. RN salaries will vary by state, experience, and work setting. 在政府或医院工作的护士平均收入在72美元之间,000 to $76,1万美元一年, 而流动医疗服务或护理机构的注册护士的收入约为62美元,000 to $66,1万美元一年. As a registered nurse, 年平均工资明显高于所有职业的全国平均工资中位数, 也就是37美元,690.

Registered Nurse Career Paths

除了在医院工作外,注册护士还有许多职业道路. 注册护士可以从事的一些职业包括成瘾护理, critical care nursing, 遗传学护理, 新生儿护理, public health nursing, and surgical nursing.

If you’re ready to make a difference in patient care, GMercyU’s Frances M. 马奎尔护理和健康专业学院可以帮助你实现成为注册护士的目标. Learn more about GMercyU’s BSN程序 今天!

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 
来源:护士 Journal
Source: Nursing Licensure