Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Definitions

以下术语及其含义有助于我们在努力实现大学目标的过程中增进理解 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Plan 创造更加公平、包容的摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站.

识别、挑战和对抗种族主义(基于种族的不平等)的积极过程. 这个积极的过程需要对抗系统, organizational structures, policies, practices, behaviors, and attitudes. 这一积极的进程应寻求重新分配权力,以努力促进公平的结果(全国高等教育多元化官员协会), 2021)

Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy
慈悲修女会是出于对穷人需要的深切关怀而成立的. 今天,我们的事工集中在通过我们的“关键关注”确定的需求上.” We address these concerns through prayer; our own communal life as a religious congregation; education; advocacy with legislators and other leaders; and corporate engagement. 这五个关键问题包括地球问题, immigration, non-violence, racism, and woman (Sisters of Mercy, 2021)

Cultural Humility
在与他人重要的文化认同特征相关的人际关系中保持以他人为导向的立场的愿望和能力. (Hook et al., 2013)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). 一项政策允许某些儿童时期来到美国并符合几项关键准则的人可以要求考虑推迟两年的行动, subject to renewal. (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 2021)

具有个体差异的人的存在、认可和参与.g.(如个性、先前的知识和生活经验)和群体/社会差异(如.g., race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, and ability as well as cultural, political, religious, 或其他附属机构)(美国大学协会 & Universities, n.d.)

A process of modifying structures and practices that have intentionally or unintentionally advantaged or disadvantaged groups of people; it is a process that responds to unjust structural outcomes to create laws, policies, 支持公正结果的实践和传统. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.)

A process and practice of active, 社区中每个人的有意识和持续的参与,重视和尊重他们的观点, multiple identities, experiences and contributions. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.)

Inclusive Excellence
Recognizes that diversity, 公平和包容是学术和机构卓越的基础. Inclusive excellence requires a comprehensive, 基础设施的内聚和协作对齐, resources and actions. (Association of American Colleges & Universities, n.d.)

Inclusive-Focused Course
While many courses include diversity, equity, and inclusion topics, an inclusive-focused course has diversity, equity, and inclusion as an overarching theme. 这在课程描述和课程的学习目标中是很明显的.

Engagement, 跨越宗教或世界观差异的合作和/或对话,包括建立关系, 在人们中培养积极的态度和发展欣赏知识(改编自俄亥俄州代顿大学)

基于历史上和系统上受压迫者的相互联系的本质,对相互联系的压迫进行概念化的框架, underrepresented and minoritized groups. 因为身份不是彼此独立存在的, 交叉性使重叠和相互依赖的特权和压迫系统的复杂汇合可见. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.)

Invisible Labor
由于这种地位,未被充分代表的教职员工需要做的工作是:指导那些在教授身上看到自己的某些方面的学生, for example, 或者以其他方式参与包容性和多样性工作. (Adapted from Flaherty, 2019) 

Refers to members of the student body, faculty, staff, administration, parents, trustees, alumni and guests who endure mistreatment, 面对强加在他们身上的偏见,这些偏见是由于他们无法控制的情况和特征造成的. These may include race, religion/spirituality/ faith, ethnicity, ability, national origin, immigration status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, 社会阶层/社会经济地位和语言. (This list is not exhaustive.)

Names the advantages, 以牺牲边缘群体成员的利益为代价给予优势群体成员的恩惠和利益, underrepresented or minoritized groups. 它在个人、人际、文化和制度层面上运作和传递权力. 拥有它的人基本上看不到它的范围和深度. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.)

种族主义是制度和政策, 行为和态度为基于种族的人创造了不公平的机会和结果. (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.)

慈悲种族主义姐妹会:我们致力于成为一个反种族主义社区,致力于消除个人和机构的种族主义,拆除压迫性结构, policies and processes.

Radical Mercy
An assertive disposition that places Respect, Integrity, Service, 以及多元化世界中的社会正义,这是一个人的生活方式和选择的核心, 尤其是与GMercyU社区成员有关的.

Social Justice
消除历史性和系统性压迫,建立人类尊严的制度和文化, accountability, equity, 包容和获得共同利益为人民和社区充分发挥其潜力创造了条件. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.)

Underrepresented Population
描述某一特定美国食品的比例达到何种程度.S. 种族/族裔群体相对于校园总人口的比例未能反映出他们在更广泛的美国人口中的比例.S. population. For our purposes, 未被充分代表的群体指的是学生群体的成员, faculty, staff, administration, parents, trustees, 自我认同真实的和社会建构的种族和民族的人类维度的校友和客人, including American/ Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Latinx/ Hispanic/Chicanx, Asian American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander American, biracial or multiracial, and gender identification. (University of Dayton Ohio, n.d.) 

Tatiana Diaz, AVP of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
215-646-7300, ext. 21073