
在这里, you'll find everything you need to make applying to a GMercyU undergraduate program stress-free. 如果你有任何问题,我们的 招生顾问 随时准备提供帮助!
Interested in an accelerated undergraduate program, such as the ABSN or Weekend BSN program? 请参阅这些申请要求.


1. 递交申请

我们提供两种提交申请的方式. 你可以填写 GMercyU的在线应用程序 或透过 常见的应用程序. 这两种申请都不收费. 请只提交一份申请.

2. 提交成绩单


如果你在高中时修过大学课程, 请提交以前就读的所有学院或大学的正式成绩单.

官方成绩单可以由你的高中辅导员以电子方式提交, 或通过Naviance或Parchment.

除了电子方式, 你也可以提交成绩单, 推荐信, 及其他必要文件,以便:

P.O. 901箱

不管你申请什么项目, 你的累计未加权GPA至少要达到2分.5. 

  • Some programs, such as the 护理 program, have higher GPA requirements and coursework requirements. 下面有更多的信息, 但如果你有任何问题,请不要犹豫,联系招生办公室.


GMercyU does not require students to submit standardized test scores for admission to the University.

If you feel your SAT or ACT scores will complement your application, please feel free to submit them! 不过别担心, not submitting your test scores will not negatively affect your application or your ability to qualify for merit scholarships.



伟大的! Please send them directly to 格温内斯仁慈大学 from the testing 年龄ncy or as part of your official high school transcript. 我们的SAT代码是2278. 我们的ACT代码是3583.

选择提交标准化考试成绩的护理申请者 will be directly admitted to the 护理 degree program provided they have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher with A’s and B’s in math and science, and have earned the following test scores:

SAT阅读550分或更高| SAT数学520分或更高 OR

ACT阅读:20分或以上;ACT数学:19分或以上 OR

TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) score of Proficient (composite score of 62% or higher)

不用担心! 它们不是必需的, but if you choose not to submit them you will need to submit additional materials when applying to any of the following programs:

会计-注册会计师轨道** 你的累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.0 and strong math grades, and submit a letter of recommendation from a math or accounting teacher.

 生物学* * 你的累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.0 with strong math and science grades, and submit a letter of recommendation from a biology teacher. Your 招生 counselor will be in touch with you to learn more about your interest in the biology major.

计算机信息科学 你的累积平均绩点必须在2分以上.至少一门计算机课程成绩为A或B,并提交推荐信.

教育 如果你的累积绩点低于3分.0, please submit a letter of recommendation from an academic teacher and schedule a conversation with an 招生 Counselor.  如果你的平均绩点是3.0或更高,我们只需要你的高中成绩单.

**学生s who choose to submit SAT scores for the above programs generally need at least a 500-530 on the Math section and 500 on the Reading section. 护理要求更高.

护理 你的累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.数学和科学都是0分A和B.

推荐信 其他课程都不需要吗, 但是推荐它们,因为它们可以帮助招生团队更好地了解你. 如果提交, the letter of recommendation should discuss the applicant’s character and promise as a university student.


1. 递交申请

我们提供两种提交申请的方式. 你可以填写 GMercyU的在线应用程序 或透过 常见的应用程序. 请只提交一份申请.

2. 提交成绩单.


Official transcripts may also be submitted electronically using the National 学生 Clearinghouse or the preferred method of your current/previous institutions.


P.O. 901箱

3. 检查您的计划的要求

转学生必须有最低的累积大学GPA 2.进入德国商业大学的入场费是100美元. 有些课程要求更高的GPA才能被录取.  

有些项目可能还需要圆满完成特定课程. 与你的转学招生顾问交谈或查看 本科目录 了解更多信息.

GMercyU提供多种转入护理课程的方式. 请参阅我们的转护理页面的所有细节.


1. 递交申请.

完整的 GMercyU的在线应用程序 并符合其他任何一年级或转学生的入学标准(见上文).

2. 提交你的成绩单供评估

You will need to have your transcript evaluated by World 教育 服务s or 教育al Credential Evaluators.

3. 参加托福/雅思考试


要了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站注册成为国际学生的信息,请访问 国际学生招生页面.

如果您需要帮助,请联系格温内斯大学招生部 招生@tachisme.com 或拨打800-342-5462了解如何申请的具体说明.


P.O. 901箱

请注意:申请教育的学生, 护理, and health profession programs must have the ability to obtain the background screening required for 放置 in a clinical/school setting and should 审查州执照要求 在选择注册之前.  背景审查要求学生提供一份美国大学的入学证明.S. 社会安全号码(SSN).

U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is a requirement for licensure within certain academic programs. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements for their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. 更多信息可在 全国州立法机构会议网站


一旦你被商科本科学位课程录取, 你可以在大三的时候申请4+1 MBA项目.  如果被录取,你还需要再修30个学分才能获得MBA学位.

奖金!  作为一名本科生被4+1 MBA项目录取, you will be able to earn up to 12 graduate credits your senior year – as part of your undergraduate tuition. 接下来的18个MBA学分将在第五年在线完成.  你需要保持累积GPA为3分.0,以便留在程序中.

如果你是GMercyU的在读学生, 你需要不断进步以完成学位. If you are enrolled in a term-based program and do not attempt any credits for two consecutive semesters (fall and spring semesters), you will be considered withdrawn from the program of study and will need to submit an online application for readmission to the University to complete your program.

学生s enrolled in a non-term program who are out of enrollment for the period of 1 year (365 days) will need to submit an application for program re-admission. All applications for readmission will be reviewed and approved by the respective School Dean.

Applicants who have completed work in Advanced Placement Programs in high school may submit the results of the Advanced Placement Examination of the University Entrance Examination Board. 考试成绩达到3分或以上,可获得大学学分. 学生s awarded such credit in English or mathematics will not be required to take the 放置 test in that area. (参考大学英语和数学分班计划).

格温内斯仁慈大学 provides an equal educational opportunity for all students who disclose disabilities in accordance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 有关计划和服务的更多信息, 请致电215-646-7300分机与无障碍服务主任联系. 21014或浏览 学生无障碍服务网页.

You may take as many as 12 credits of coursework on a part-time basis at 格温内斯仁慈大学 as a non-matriculated student. 修完12学分后, you will need to contact the 招生 Office for guidance on enrolling as a matriculated student. 然而, 如果你想继续学习课程,但不打算完成学位, 招生办公室可以免除录取学生的要求.

注意: 学生s who intend to pursue a Business Administration or 护理 degree may only complete nine credits as a non-matriculated student.


格温内斯默西大学致力于保持积极的学习, 工作, 以及没有非法歧视和骚扰的生活环境. 格温内斯仁慈大学 does not discriminate against any applicant for admission to or employment at the University because of race, 宗教, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, color, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, 遗传特征, 或者其他受联邦政府保护的特征, 州或地方法律(“受保护阶层”). 这包括, 但不限于, 招生, 金融援助, 教育服务, 学生项目和活动, 以及所有雇佣条款和条件,包括, 但不限于, 招聘, 选择, 招聘, 放置, transfer, 促销活动, 培训, 补偿, 好处, 纪律, 和终止. The University will not tolerate unlawful acts of discrimination or harassment based upon Protected Classes, 或被任何雇员或学生报复.
